来自网友【啰嗦的红鼻子】的评论随便点进去看的,男主是老熟人,剧情有点老套,不过我爱Kevin的颜。 -U inspire me. -You know if you keep looking at the world through a filter,you'll have never gonna to see the true beauty. -Sometimes life gives you moments,and you don't leap the opportunity,you lose them forever. -I feel amazing when I around you,I feel alive and happy.I got purpose. 可能是内心戏太多,总能在各种电影里找到自己的影子。感同身受系列。 就算他不属于你,那你也要穿越回去试一试不是? To be brave.
来自网友【垚由】的评论I didn’t know where I supposed to be until I actually arrived. (我根本不知道结果会怎样直到我看到结果。)是值得二刷的好剧,在我心中:一部电影只要有一句台词能触动当下的自己便足矣。