来自网友【还是哦】的评论17集也太好哭了,从第一分钟哭到结束。"If something makes you sad when it ends, it must have been pretty wonderful when it was happening."
来自网友【YQ🍃】的评论喜欢William作为引路人带领rebecca走完“人生列车”。又一次感慨this is us真的太会讲故事了,每次看都以为marcus会是deja后来的丈夫,没想到只是个印子证明lemonade的故事会一直口耳相传下去…是我狭隘了,再往后看到最后一段“If somethibg makes you sad when it ends, it must been pretty wonderful when it was happening. ” i always thought it has be lazy to just think of the wolrd as sad, because so much of it is. (should explore and specify)直到William说if you step back and look as the whole picture才知道引入Marcus的故事也是想说明在jack死掉的那天其实也有另一个生命奇迹般地活下来了,甚至最后他还为治疗阿兹海默的药物研究作出贡献,该死的宿命感,真的太牛了T T