来自网友【Monica】的评论来自Tielle的《Cry》主题曲。 I cry you cry We cry Some say that boys don't cry Some say that girls don't cry Don't see a reason why we can't seem to see the simplest things Where will we hide if we chase each other's problems What will we solve if we fake each other's answers 那段不能谈论的过去,集体性失忆,到了临界点,一口气xxx。用一种情感彻底粉碎另一种情感。TA的挣扎难道不应该被看到吗?因其所困,流离失所,那种像动物一样扫视各个餐厅,垃圾桶寻找残羹剩饭,被发现后,狼狈的逃走,饿昏过去,职场骚扰,公交站,那块举起的砖头。砸向弱者!