来自网友【佛】的评论so when it's S5E6 couple days earlier, this was totally catastrophic to me, and the inside of me was like, when is it going to end.when it comes to S6E2, I start savoring each moment, like it was S2 back in the good old days.when I hit S6E22, I kept regretting for letting the show go too fast. God! If only good things last forever.well, the story of Cleveland is, joy did not end with hot Mitch(and it is really funny how the actor did not sign contracts for S6), Mel and Alec(who is my fav cuz he's hot af) separated, and the guy Vic married could hardly get in to the top 10 bachelors she ever dated(for that list my top 1 is the young film editing coworker cause I like his face and the vibe). Sadly, but the story is, the hot guy is to date, and the warm one is to marry, even i can literally not stand the look. This remind me what Jin Xing said on her show, husband and lover are different materials. But still, life is not my dream.当时看寻妈记,让我觉得35岁不再可怕。hic告诉我,50岁不再可怕,假如我是女生。“做你想做的事情,你明年45;什么都不干你明年还是45。”how sarcastic for me given the state of mind I'm in. 也许还是要过好每一天吧。寻妈和hic都没赶上最好的时代。都破了收视纪录,但...惋惜。我眼中是完美的,也许最美的不会被分享吧。all 4 of them are over 45, and they are still looking for purpose. So should I.